Saturday, May 8, 2010

Dragon Claws

Sorry all F2P players, this post is all about dragon claws. Dragon claws are a sweet weapon that several members use in PvP situations. The thing that makes these so great is the special attack "Slice and Dice," which allows a player to hit four times before the opponent can attack again.

Dragon claws are made out of dragon metal, and were released at the end of 2008. They cannot be made, and therefore have to be obtained through a drop from a Tormented Demon. You can also purchase them from the Grand Exchange for about 35 million coins.

You can only fight Tormented Demons during or after the quest "While Guthix Sleeps." It is an extremely rare drop from the demons so you may be fighting for a while before you obtain them. If you buy the claws from the Grand Exchange, you can wield them if you have 60 attack or above regardless of your completion of "While Guthix Sleeps."

The strategy with dragon claws is generally to use "Slice and Dice" two times in a row. Since the special attack only uses 50% of the special attack bar, using twice back-to-back allows you to attack eight times in two attacks!

The amount of damage done from the special attack depends on the first hit. The second hit is always half (give or take one for odd numbers) of the first hit, and the third and fourth hits are half of the second hit. If you use "Slice and Dice" and the first hit does "x" amount of damage, then the second hit will be .5x, and both the third and fourth will be .25x.

Clearly, dragon claws have a huge advantage over most players in PvP. If you were to hit 200 damage, instead you would hit 400 (200+100+50+50). Do that twice in a row and you most likely just KO'd your opponent, unless his Hp level is above 80. Here is a quick video of someone Pking with dragon claws:


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